This was an absolutely perfect September day: low humidity, temperatures around 60-70, a bit of sun, and a light wind.
At this point, our team consists of seasoned pros. Almost everyone knows what to do and jumps right in with cleaning. Here are some of our amazing volunteers, hard at work!
We'd also like to show you a little magic. Meg found a stone with a lot of lichen on it. When you clean, the stone often gets really dirty before it gets cleaner. Check out the pictures below. It's very cool to watch the words appear as you clean them off.
Dorothy found her true calling that day: excavation! We have a lot of stones that have fallen over and a lot of those are sinking into the ground. We do plan to raise them and put them upright this spring but we have to find them first. You could only see about 1/4 of the marker on the right and maybe 1/3 of the one on the left. Now we can see that they are husband and wife and if all goes well, maybe we can replace them onto their bases next year!
I also thought it would be good to clean General Samuel Strong's stone. It's a very tall rectangle - probably close to 7' - and I thought it would be easy...but it was a lot of work!
a couple other snapshots from the day...
and of course, here's the update for that bank of 4 stones The short little one had been cleaned briefly in July, after they all got sprayed with D/2. The one on the right was cleaned at the previous cleaning day. But the three on the left are still getting cleaner. "Wet it and forget it" might be slower but it certainly can work!