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PROJECT 05 - Genealogy 

Genealogy & history tracing - to help find relatives of those buried in the cemetery and to learn about their lives. This is a work in progress, more to come!

Telling their stories....

This is a very old cemetery. The most recent burial, other than the Bristol family, was in 1930 and most are from the early to mid 1800s. While some of these names can be found in the current phone book, most of people buried here don't have local descendants. 


We do not want them to be forgotten. While we are working hard to research the facts we can find about their lives, we know there is far more to their stories. 

We want to honor them by seeing what we can find out.

We're working on researching the people buried here

and will be creating blog posts about their lives. You can read the first story in our blog post about Major John Thompson.

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